
Las Noches Highschool Ch 1

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Las Noches Highschool is now open.

As we read in “Internet Interaction” anyone who joined this highschool was completely wiped of their memories of ever meeting the espada, and the espada’s memories were wiped of fighting or coming in contact with any shinigami or human. The captain commander of soul society thought this would be best so the fights would be as minimal as possible.

Las Noches Highschool is for shinigami, espada, and humans that are exceptionally well with riastu. The school is located in Hueco Mundo.

Yes….it was an odd choice, but soul society is already crammed as it is, and the material world was out of the question. Besides, there would be plenty of hollow for training purposes.

Orihime waited at the corner of a street in her school uniform. She had the choice of wearing either a kimono that the shinigami wore, or the espada uniform, which was a beautiful dress. (The same one she was forced to wear when Aizen kidnapped her, but of course she has no memory of this)

Uryu, Chad, and Ichigo all wore a kimono.

She stood with her long time friends waiting for a garganta to open. Then the sound of fabric ripping appeared before them as a black hole materialized in thin air before them. The four friends leisurely walked in as they discussed what they did this summer, but all looked forward to seeing what the school would look like from the other side of this dimensional portal.

Orihime was left in front of a door, which appeared to be the main one of the school. She noticed all her friends already left.

Finally, she reached out and opened it. Before her were large plain white corridors (Yes, the same one as in Bleach in Las Noches. The building is exactly the same)

‘Alright’ she told herself, ‘I have to find that poster that shows me my first class.’ Down the hall, she noticed a group of kids walking away out of a hallway. Their expressions showed as if they where to go, so the post was probably in that hallway.

Orihime scurried down the white corridor with her sandals clattering on the ground echoing throughout the school.

Right before she was about to turn into this hallway, her body met with something solid. After a moment of dazing, she looked up and saw a man with lanky black hair staring down at her with a huge smile.

She new he was an espada, one being that she never seen him before, and two being that he wore an espada uniform.

He was still towering over her when he began speaking, “Why hello there my little pet. Have you come to play with me?”

Consciously, Orihime took a step back with fear. Amused, the man took a step forward until she was against the wall. His grin seemed to widen more as he brusquely extended his arms at each side of her head and placed his hands on the wall; trapping her in that space where she stood.

Orihime wished her friends didn’t leave her behind, especially in a situation like this. The man lowered his head down to hers as his tongue seeped out through his lips, aiming her for neck.

She shut her eyes hoping to block at the image of his face.


The voice caused Orihime’s eyes to jerk back open. There was a muscular hand on this so called ‘Nnoitora’s’ arm.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

The hand shoved Nnoitora away from her. Orihime looked up to see a man with blue hair concentrating his angered vision on him. “Why does it matter to you Grimmjow?” The lanky man shot back.

This ‘Grimmjow’ stepped in front of Orihime, shielding her from Nnoitora. He didn’t know how to reply, it doesn’t and shouldn’t matter to him. Finally with an answer in mind, Grimmjow narrowed his eyes. “Stop being so fucking perverted you dumbass. No wonder you can’t get a girl friend.”

That got Nnoitora ticked off, but before he could say anything back, Grimmjow shot a cero, which caused him to jump up shrieking.

“I don’t wanna see that face around here ever again!” Grimmjow called back to the angry Nnoitora walking away. He then turned around to face the startled Orihime. She was still trying to take in what happened until she noticed the blue haired looking down at her.

“You ok?” he asked in an annoyed tone of voice. Orihime took a step forward so she was no longer leaning on the wall and nodded.

Grimmjow eyed her up and down, taking in every curve her body had to offer, forcing it into his memory.

“Um….thank you.” She muttered under her breath. Orihime made her way around Grimmjow to that hallway she was headed in the first place.

She was suddenly stopped when a hand grasped her shoulder. Orihime turned around with a confused look.

“Are you an arrancar?” asked Grimmjow, still holding her shoulder. Her finger reached her chin and she chirped, “No, I’m a human.” He finally released his grasp and asked, “Why are you wearing an arrancar uniform then?”

Orihime brushed her hands down her dress “Because it looks prettier.” She explained with a smile on her face. Grimmjow’s eyes widened for a moment, but then slightly narrowed as a grin appeared across his face.

“You got me there.” He amused as he slid his arm around her waist and pulled her along. Orihime squeaked by the touching and asked, “Where are you taking me?” The blue haired espada looked down at her and said, “You need to know which class to get to…right?”

Grimmjow dropped Orihime off at her first class. Unfortunately, he only had one class with her, and the first wasn’t it.

Orihime’s first class was English. Her teacher was a brown haired man who had a mask on his head, obviously representing that he was an arrancar. But that didn’t matter now; they are all at peace now that Aizen was gone.

Orihime sat in a seat closest to the window. Through it she could see the crescent moon that always lighted this world. The feeling seemed oddly familiar.

Class was going to start in about 10 minutes. During this time, Orihime scanned the room in search of any her friends, unfortunately though, she was alone. Suddenly the door opened, and this person caught her eyes.

A pale man with vibrant green eyes, wearing an arrancar uniform walked in. He swept across the room to the side she was at and made his way down Orihime’s aisle.

The man stopped at he desk, but made no eye contact, he then swiftly sat down next to Orihime and stared ahead.

The auburn haired girl was amazed by how calm and collected he was compared to these other students. Well, since none of her friends were here, its time to make a new one. She reached her hand out to him and chirped, “Hi! I’m Orihime Inoue. What’s your name?”

Her greeting earned her a side-glance from the pale man. After a moment of silence, he finally said something, “Cease your useless banter woman.”

Orihime’s arm was still stretched out waiting for a handshake, but she realized he wouldn’t get one from him. She slowly retreated back to her seated position with a confused expression on her face.

She really wanted to know his name and be friends, as it was her nature. But it seemed him and her were worlds apart, so there was no trying. Suddenly, the teacher raised his hand and began taking attendance.

Once he called “Orihime Inoue” said person raised her hand. After a few more names called, he then called for “Ulquiorra Schiffer”

The auburn haired girl glanced around the room to see who this person was, as she did for every name called.


Orihime jerked her head in the direction of the voice and was caught with the guy next to her. ‘So, his name is Ulquiorra.’ She thought to herself, ‘I guess it’s a start to making a friend’

The class finally ended once the bell rang. Orihime looked down at her schedule while walking out of the room.

Suddenly, her body met with something hard, like before. Orihime jerked her head, hoping not to see Nnoitora. Instead, she saw a man with pink hair and glasses looked back at her. She bumped into the side of his torso, a different position, but still.

“Oi! I’m sorry.” She exclaimed. The pink haired man turned to face her. “That’s quite alright.”

He reminded her of Uryu. That’s some déjà vu right there man.

He snatched the schedule from her hands and scanned it. “Orihime Inoue?” he asked, eyes still tracing the words. Orihime nodded.

The man tore his vision off the paper and onto her. “I’m Syazel Apporro Granz. But you can call me Syzael.” He lifted her hand into one his and brought it to this lips. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

A blush quickly spread across her face.

Syazel looked back at her schedule and said, “I see you have science next. In fact, we have it together.” He smiled and took a hold of her hand. “Let me show you there.”


Well, now Orihime made two friends. One being Syazel, and the other was Grimmjow. Ulquiorra would have been included but his cold ways showed he wasn’t interested.

Orihime sat in the middle of the class this time. There weren’t any windows so there was no point in going off far to the side. On her right was Syazel, and when she turned to her left, she jumped back surprised to see Ulquiorra again. She didn’t even notice he came in due to the conversation she had with Syazel about the real world.

Suddenly the teacher walked in, and wouldn’t you know, it was Captain Kurotsuchi.

Orihime was tempted to say something to Ulquiorra, but after their last encounter, there wasn’t much to say.
Sorry you guys for taking forever. I seriously needed a break from writing. But now I’m back. And as I promised, a sequal to Internet Interaction.

I know….there was more grimmhime and syazlhime. But I still thought it was cute :3

Next Chapter: [link]
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GaaramuffinXD's avatar
I love fanfiction!